16 June 2008

Introducing....Savanna Zoe Ioanna Chapman

See her? O.k. maybe you can not see her, but she is in there. Jade has NOT been overeating for the past nine months. Here we are just before we loaded up in the van and left home for The Farm. It is around 10 am and Jade has been feeling mostly consistent contractions since around 6 am.

So, we arrive at The Farm around noon. Mom and I unload while Jade sits around acting like she should take it easy because she is in labor. Ha Ha, Just kidding, actually she helped a lot still. She was not too uncomfortable at this point and she wanted to stay active. So that afternoon, around 4 pm she, Nana, and Caleb decided to take a
walk and find a hill that our midwife, Carol Nelson, had told her about to try to help labor along. And she also ran into Carol during the walk and spent some time chit chatting, during which, Carol gave her another secret labor catalyst idea...rub your uterus during contractions. Who knew?

So while they are out having good conversation and a nice leisurely stroll. Guess who is left back at the cabin working hard trying to get the birthing tub filled with warm water in time for the birth....yep....poor little me. I am at this point figuring out actually why I was brought along on this little Summertown excursion...hard labor (no pun intended). It took around four hours to fill this thing. Whew!

So they all arrived back to the cabin around 6 pm and Jade began diligently rubbing her tummy during contractions. That, along with the good walk up that steep hill got things moving pretty fast. So Jade did what all women in the middle of active labor do ................ she had her hair done.

And, believe it or not, probably within one hour of having her hair done...Whaaalah, she had a baby. So, remember all you pregnant ladies, if you want to have a good, productive, and fairly quick labor...walk up a hill, talk a lot, rub your belly, AND get your hair done!

And now...the pictures for which you have been waiting....

Oops! How did that picture get in here?! Ha! Just thought I would share with you a picture of Baby Zoe's previous home. It is somewhat of a fixer-upper, but she tells us it was mighty warm and cozy.

Here are the good pictures...I think?...

Here we all are...one bigger and HAPPIER family just before we loaded up in the van to leave The Farm and return home.

Hope you enjoyed the pictures AND my little, slightly sarcastic version of the birth story.

Love You All, emman


Nate said...

LOL! Ahhhhaaahaha -- that was a shocker! I'll never forget these pictures for as long as I live! Heh! -- oh yeah, Zoe's a cutie too. Oh my -- my gut hurts from laughter now... phew!

Congrats you guys -- so glad to see everything is going well. :)

Tawny said...

Congrats Emman!!! She's BEAUTIFUL! =)Missed you in class but it looks like you had more important things to do =) Have a great week!