29 June 2008

Big Brother Caleb

Hello all,

We thought we would tell you a cute thing that happened today. I went to church this morning and Jade, Caleb, and Baby Zoe stayed home. Caleb has been very ill over the last week and although he seems to be at 100% again as of today, we did not want to risk spreading what he had to some other poor little unsuspecting children...as someone did to Caleb a week ago.

This past week has been very rough on Caleb and us. He was the sickest he has ever been by far...throwing up for five days and only keeping down Pedialite (most of the time). So that, on top of having a newborn made the week very stressful. We have not let Caleb touch Zoe all week due to his illness and it has been hard for him to stay away from her. He loves his baby sister very much and we constantly had to remind him that he could not touch or hold her.

So this morning...Jade was busy doing something in the kitchen. Zoe was asleep in our bedroom. Caleb was playing (so she thought). She heard Zoe make some noises on the monitor as if she was beginning to wake up. A couple of minutes later she heard some humming sounds coming through the monitor. She went to investigate and found Caleb laying next to Zoe in our bed singing to her. He had heard her begin to wake so he went into our room, climbed up on the bed, laid down next to her, and sang to her so that she would go back to sleep. And back to sleep she went....

God reminds us almost daily of how blessed we are to be Caleb's parents!

Love you all, emman

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