The bright dot in the middle of the chest is the Heart...pumping along nicely!
So in case you need clarification...Jade is Pregnant! The due date according to the Ultrasound is 6 June 2008 (the due date by cycle is 31 May 2008). We go to the OB on 24 December 2007 for another Ultrasound. We will hopefully find out the gender! Please keep us in your prayers...Jade's health, the baby's health, understanding and excitement for Caleb, and my patience and sanity through it all.
On a side note, I start a Masters of Counseling program at Trevecca Nazarene University on 5 January 2008. I am very excited, but nervous at the same time. My classes will be taken all day on Saturdays for the next three to four years. It will be a long haul, but in the end I will be a Licensed Professional Counselor and able to officially begin answering God's Call to spend my life ministering to hurting people through counseling. Please pray for wisdom, endurance, and grace.
We will post more info on "the littlest Chapman" as we go along.
Happy Holidays.......
Ha Ha....just kidding...
May the Grace and Community of Christ embrace you all,
On a side note, I start a Masters of Counseling program at Trevecca Nazarene University on 5 January 2008. I am very excited, but nervous at the same time. My classes will be taken all day on Saturdays for the next three to four years. It will be a long haul, but in the end I will be a Licensed Professional Counselor and able to officially begin answering God's Call to spend my life ministering to hurting people through counseling. Please pray for wisdom, endurance, and grace.
We will post more info on "the littlest Chapman" as we go along.
Happy Holidays.......
Ha Ha....just kidding...
May the Grace and Community of Christ embrace you all,
TOTALLY AWESOME!!! Wish we were there to celebrate with you. :)
I love you all so much I am so happy for you May The Lord continue to bless you always
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